The App

I wanted to build a pomodoro timer to track my time. It started with feeling like I wasn’t being productive enough. A lot of times I set out to do something and then get distracted by something on slack. At the end of the day, while it might feel like I have “worked” a lot, its mostly just busy work and not really driving meaningful out comes.

After browsing a few apps online, I realized that these online pomodoro apps just didn’t cut it. I wanted to know what tasks I got done in a partcular day and use the ability of LLMs to summarize what work I’ve got done in a week.

I also wanted it to be local first and not have any data leave the browser.

Basically here were the most basic features that i required

  • local first
  • html, css and vanilla js
  • ability to create a task
  • automatically track start and end time of tasks
  • ability to associate tasks to a particular day
  • ability to delete, stop and mark tasks as completed and incomplete


The app is hosted here

Feel free to use it and leave any feedback as a PR on the repo

Cursor + Claude

I decided to try out the cursor IDE to build simple apps. I read a bunch of tweets on this subject and I thought it would be cool to check out. What I didn’t expect was how ridiculously easy and fun it was.

The experience was like talking to an experienced programmer who is able to work on your feedback within 30 seconds and show you something.

I didn’t write a single line of code. It was mostly describing my app and then iterating with claude on feedback.

Also Cursor + Claude was much better than OpenAI or replit

The future of the PRD

In the future as AI does more of the heavy lifting, I reckon the PRD becomes the most important part of the process. Describing oour requirements and being as descriptive, elaborate and AI friendly as possible will be the key.

Software programming is going to change drastically in the next 2 years and pure AI coded apps are here to stay. This makes knowing frameworks and fundamentals even more important so as to be able to edit and work on auto generated code. It also makes being creative really important and I also assume designer turned engineers are going to be the most sought after jobs.


This blog post is just a rambling of my thoughts. I might get around to making it more coherent and better to read. For now this is all.